Friday, 9 September 2011

Learning -> Musings on: an absence of sky

Photo taken at Senja garden. 14mm, 1/30sec, f/11, ISO-640. The lens flare show the weakness of Lumix 14-42mm lens

Learn a new stuff today from one of my favorite website as what mentioned by Mike and summarized by Stephen:

The reasons for excluding the sky break down into three primary groups:
a) quality of light (flat, even),
b) tone and texture (autumn colours drawing out shapes), and
c) compositional (sky as constraint – or is it the horizon that’s the constraint?).

Just refer to his picture, i think really worthwhile to try it next time when i have the chance.

28mm, 1/125sec, f/6.3, ISO-320. nice bokeh !

42mm, 1/250sec, f/5.6. never expected to get the "shining bokeh" if shoot to enough bright background. Obvious weakness is the resolution of the lenses hence leading to lose of detail

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